Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arctic Unit

We recently did a mini Unit on Arctic/Antarctic Regions~ learning about the animals and the Inuit People who live in these regions! I'll include some fun links and activities I found for this unit.

My goal for organizing these units is to keep the learning hands on and interactive. My kids love coloring and crafts, they love videos and games. They even love some worksheets. You can really personalize each Unit folder based on your child's level. Even Gracie gets her own folder with activities for her to color and cut and play!

Videos:: (my kids love the addition of videos in our learning)
Nat Geo has great links, photos and activities. This one was short and great for some basic info:

Answers in Genesis has one of the Ice Age which talks a little about how the Ice got there (from a creationist view point: 

What to know How to Build an Igloo??? This 10 minute video shows you.....seriously I never knew.....

Fun Links:: (photos, games, slide shows)

Critter Cam Arctic Game 

Explore this Website for Great info on the Tundra and other regions!

Photo Slide show with info about How Arctic Animals Camouflage themselves!

FREE Powerpoint presentations on the Inuit Tribes plus this site has all sorts of activities and links! 

Hands On Activities:: (this makes every lesson more fun!)

Drying our walls halfway through

  • Make your own Inuksuk
  • Polar Bear Painting: Blue Construction paper, Bear shape, cotton balls, white paint. Place the Polar Bear cut out on the Blue Construction paper (tape the back to the paper) and dab the entire blue paper with white paint. Remove the Polar Bear cutout when you are done and ta-da! Snowy Polar Bear!

Resources and Activities::

A variety of books for the kids to look through and enjoy

FREE Lesson Plans! Look around this site and download all sorts of free activities and games!

Kidssoup This is a really great resource and SO affordable at $2.15 a month. I use it all the time! There are Activities, Games (printable file folder), Activites AND Resources for Bulletin Boards, felt stories etc. New units are added every month!

SeaWorld FREE downloadable lesson

ABCteach tons of freebies, you can become a member, but I just use what is free!

Worksheets included in their Unit Folders:
  • Sonlight curriculum
  • Map of the Arctic Tundra (color and lable)
  • Color the Igloo
  • “My Book about the Inuit People”
  • Polar Bear Crossword puzzle (Jonah)
  • AA writing practice (Ellie)
  • AA Coloring page
  • Arctic Report, KWL Chart (Jonah)


    1. This is a great list of resources, activities, and ideas. I hope to do an Artic unit with my children in the not too distant future.


    2. Hi,
      I'm very new to your blog. Just perusing around because I'm a homeschooling mom to young children and still feel like I'm trying to get my bearings. I think I might be interested in doing "units" with my kids instead of just reading, writing, rithmetic. Would you tell me where you get your unit studies from? or have any suggestions? Thanks.
