Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Cleaning Giveaway!

If you've homeschooled for even one year.....I guarantee you have a curriculum, a book, a resource laying around untouched and dusty. Well, after a few years, I've built up a few things. In hopes of blessing another family with something they can use, I Spring Cleaning! Which means YOU can win something! It's easy! Just follow the rules below and enter to win something fabulous!

What can you win?

Preschool Science

1st Grade
1st Grade

5th Grade

Yup, each one of these babies is up for grabs! All you have to do is follow the guidelines below, and leave a comment for each point you enter!

  • Subscribe either as a follower or RSS feed to my blog ~ 1 entry
  • "Like" my Facebook page ~ 1 entry
  • Post a status update and link back to my blog (leave a link to your status in my comment section) ~ 1 entry
  • Post this Giveaway on your blog and link back to my (leave another link in the comment section) ~ 1 entry
  • Leave a comment telling me which one you'd MOST like to win, and a second choice. I'll try my BEST to make sure you are blessed with what you would use! ~ 1 entry
Don't forget to head over to curriculum choice and check out all the other great giveaways! And leave a comment to thank her for the awesome idea!


  1. I follow on Google Friend Connect!

  2. My 1st choice would be Math Minutes and my 2nd would be Mudpies to Magnets. I'd also love to know the name of your charter school, it sounds like one we'd be very interested to try.
    Thank you, Jessica
