Friday, March 25, 2011


So I've transitioned into workpockets instead of work boxes. Adding Bella meant that we would need an entire drawer system for her as well.....and well.....I was running out of room! So I looked around and found this::

It's a 3 row, 27 pocket holder thinger ma bob. Yup, official name. With three kiddos school work to organize it works out well! There were other ones that hold file folders (this one only holds the size of paper) but it was wider and wouldn't fit on the wall!

I really love the Sue Patrick's Workbox Idea. And I know how very popular it is, for a reason! I think it's amazing how many ways I've seen it morphed and changed to meet individual needs of each family! I know with all the things going on around here, filling the pockets and being ready for the day is very important for making the homeschool hustle less stressful!

My sister helped me make Princess numbers that fit nicely into the clear name plates! And as you can see they are roomy enough to fit workbooks and notebooks!

I moved all our bigger hands-on manipulatives and activities into one drawer tower, (well, one drawer in the school area)

And I even added......a bulletin board and a coconut tree, all circle/calender areas need a coconut tree right? Thought so! I added a few things to circle time and am loving it!

So with Spring cleaning came a little reorganizing....which took a few days to complete, but it felt so good to have it done! We'll see how long the tidy-ness lasts......


  1. I love the way you are using the pockets. Looks great!

  2. Very sweet! I love the bulletin board area!
