Monday, February 21, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal - 1

In my life this week~
I struggled with motivation to get things done. Some weeks are just like that. It seems one week I'm superwoman and another....I'm just me! I read a lot of encouraging blogs and different aspects of Homeschooling which was inspiring!
Dave and I were able to attend a Marriage conference at our church which as also so encouraging and eye opening!

In my Homeschooling week~
I started doing a little research about unschooing and different educational philosophies, which at some point I will discuss further. I am very interested in the ideas behind some of these philosophies! I even did a little observation of my own and was honestly astounded at what I found!  That is for tomorrow!

Places we are going and People we are seeing~
We are praying about a possible missions trip this summer to Wyumi. It's a missions camp in VA designed to give High Schoolers exposure to the missions field! 

My favorite thing this week~
Was sitting in sessions with my husband at the marriage conference! And having conversations with people I normally don't get a chance to! (I'm a talker!) With a Momma's girl 9 month Old, I haven't been able to sit through many church services so I was blessed this weekend to be able to attend nearly ALL of them!!!!

Also we did a whole week on LOVE instead of just celebrating on Monday. We made heart shaped pink pancakes and sandwiches and talked about John 3:16 as well as 1 Corinthians 13....what a great week!

What's working/not working for us~
Our Friday schedule of doing Science.History.Art is the BOMB. We all look forward to Fridays for many reasons. It's a day of true exploration, it's a day to start us relaxing for the weekend! And the kids are learning so much on their own time and interests!

Homeschool thoughts/questions~
I am really looking into the idea of unschooling. I'm not sure at all where it will lead, but I love learning and this is an area I know little about! Requested about 100 books from the public library!

A video,link or quote~
I found this great article on Homeschooling, it's humorous but so true. I see so much truth in it as well!
Homeschooling Conversations   



  1. I can't wait to read more about unschooling through your blog. Some of it peaks my interest...also love Charlotte Mason and Classical......maybe just all around eclectic will work for us!

    So glad you had some time with your husband...even at a conference! Sounds like a much needed rest and a chance to put your marriage back in the center of your family!

  2. I loved that link, it made me feel like my choice to homeschool is natural and that is exactly what I needed today. My daughter made a comment about school and I was feeling like I was depriving her of something today...thanks so much!

    Congrats on having some time with Dave at the marriage conference. There's nothing like that time spent to rekindle a marriage.

  3. It's so encouraging to me to read that sometimes you're not supermom. I get kind of imtimdated by your endless energy and creativity--you're way more supermom than me! But I'm also inspired by you. Keep up the good work and keep sharing!

  4. Oh Angela!!!! I am NOT superMom I promise you that! You should see my house after this weekend! We moved in here in August and we still have boxes in closets and attics I can't seem to find the time to unload! And lately I've wanted to find the time to do something creative for myself and am to exhausted by the end of the day to blink! I assure you I have no real cape....I just like to pretend sometimes!

  5. I'm looking forward to your insights on unschooling. We homeschool, but I give the kids a lot of time on their own during the day, and that seems to be when they learn best. I'm just afraid I wouldn't have the discipline to unschool since you need to provide lots of learning opportunities.

    It's so hard to let go of preconceived notions of what we should do.

  6. Miranda~I couldn't agree more! I am an education major who LOVED school and everthing about it! So looking at research and realizing what I love is not really fostering real learning is hard to grasp! But it's not about what I love, it's about the best for my children! Thanks for stopping by!
